Best speakers in the 3000 -5000 range

I'm thinking of upgrading my speakers and would any suggestions or feedback would be appreciated. My current setup is Hegel h-100 amp,Hegel cdp2a cd player with transparent audio super mm2 cables and b&b n804 speakers.

Audiokinesis ) Makes speakers in this price point that perform well beside speakers costing multiples more.

They are easy to drive and rather full-range, going easily into the lower 30s or upper 20s, which is hard to find in speakers at this price point. Duke is a master at making crossovers and drivers work together, and integrating that with recent advances of understanding of how the human ear works. He is also a really great guy to work with! At this price point this would be one of my top contenders.
Two the best I have heard lately are the Gershman Sonagram and the Nola Contender. I think they are both around $3500 and are very close to full range.
I thought they stopped making Bose back in 1973 when Mattell came out with a crows beek stylus?
Emerald Physic CS-3's once fully broken in with an upgraded Boehringer cross-over. Doug Jessie @ Asi_Teknology rebuilt mine. Holy smokes these speakers are now absolutely phenomenal. One caveat is that I run them with a subwoofer.

The upgrade and the cost of the CS-3 speakers should fit into your price range. I also have Magnepan 1.7 speakers running with a subwoofer. Excellent, excellent sound. Defininetly these are in your price range.