Some interesting stats from Discogs

Seems the state of analog and vinyl in particular are growing with a vengeance. Fascinating.
Very interesting that many are still utilizing vinyl and/or CD's.  I'm sure most know it doesn't compare to streaming use in sheer numbers and potential sound quality, but still give credit where it's due.  Along with it I'm sure there's strong sales in analog related hardware, too.  All good for the economy.  Bravo.
@anotherbob, "potential sound quality". Now there’s a freighted assertion.
Two things:
- a lot of music remains unavailable on streaming. A lot
- streaming barely pays artist. We need artists.
Discovered Disccogs this past  year. So far so good. I have had tremendous luck purchasing vinyl from all over the world. Nice way to expand your library. Oh yeah.... Cds as well. Considering the pandemic just about all I purchased was delivered in record time. Nice alternative to "used available from these sellers"
I’m one of these people.  I’m mid 40s and had records as a kid, then tapes, cds, then pirating mp3s, then buying digital from apple, then Spotify, then Spotify AND Tidal, and finally back to Vinyl. 
Coming back to physical analog media feels so good right now. Watching my music collection grow again is so rewarding. I’ve fallen in love with Jazz and I don’t think that would have happened just by streaming. I love going to my local record shops and searching for treasure. I usually buy an arm full of records that I’ve never heard and come home and listen to each album in its entirety. I’m in heaven these days!