Tube phono pre amp or Tube preamp + SS phono

My current chain is
VPI classic + Ortofon MC quintet black -> Goldnote (PH10+PSU10) phono -> Eddie Current Studio Jr -> Focal Utopia and Hifiman HE1k. I am very happy with the chain. But want to add a little more warmth to the sound. I do not want to change the Amp or the headphones.
I am wondering if it makes more sense to have a Tube phono preamp or keep the Phono SS and have a Tube preamp?
One thing I am very sensitive to is the noise floor of the phono stage. Even my Goldnote had some some noise floor that drove me crazy and I spent a lot of time correcting it.
I am not looking for higly analytical sound but very good resolution + some tube warmth.
I would go the route of SS phonostage with tube preamplifier.  More likely to avoid noise issues given the high gain within phonostages. One source for a tube pre is Aric Audio. 
Yeah, what @mesch said! SS phono will be better for dodging RFI/EMI when handling the tiny signal. Tube pre can also offer benefits to digital sources now & later. 
I  previously lived near a radio tower, and tried about 6 tube phono stages before I conquered it with ss. Can't even count the hours wasted troubleshooting w/ makers and dealers trying to get the tube phono stages quiet enough. 
Currently, I  use a Nagra BPS and a BAT tube pre. I like it, but I do sometimes wonder if new location opens the door for revisiting the tube phono route. I  always wanted to try the Herron #2 that so many rave about. Cheers,
Thanks @sbank , @elliottbnewcombjr and @mesch for the inputs. I think I'll go with SS phono.