Schiit order issue - anyone receiving shipments?

Experiencing order receipt delay approaching 2 months.  Schiit unable to clarify when order will be received.  Only receiving template response without focus on my order. No telephone available as co don’t take calls.

I think company may be having problems.
Schiit's issues with communication or issues fulfilling orders is hardly an indicator of "financial issues." It's likely the opposite as due to brilliant design and the very high regard they've garnered as a high end company with fair pricing...outliers may differ in their opinions, but these guys are an astounding success.
My order which included a freya+ was on a 10 week back order and not scheduled to ship until March 25th but they got it out early and I received it last week. Sounds amazing so far with a freya+ and 2 aegir amps. 
Supply chains are so stressed no mater what the industry or channel.

Talking to a steel manufacturer in Brazil and they can not get any space on cargo ships to ship tubing to the US. If you can broker freight on a ship it may be stuck in a port for 60 days waiting to offload. 
Schiit support is horrible.  Get on the phone.  Tried to get an answer and after a few emails, no success. Get on the phone!!!
Oh, give it a rest.

What do you want? Someone to complain to? Is that what will make you "happy"?

You've started three threads on this issue.

Schiit does not do phone support. Get. Over. It.

You've received a long answer from Schiit directly on one of your threads.

As of now, 26 February 2021, 12:11 PM EST, the Schiit site says, "Backordered, Ships March 25th".

There is your answer.

At this point, you will never be happy, no matter how great the Freya+ is because you have worked yourself up about this. Just cancel your order and let someone who has at least one foot in our new reality enjoy the unit.