Embarrassed....Audio furniture help

Well, I swore I'd never let a woman dictate my two channel system but here we are.  Wife and I bought our first new home, I've got a small but adequate second living area for my system.  Problem is, as mentioned, my wife.  Setup will consist of CD player, AppleTV unit and integrated amp.  May add a streamer at some point but we'll cross that bridge later.  I'm using a pair of bookshelves and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Here's the rub....She is demanding an A/V credenza, so speakers sitting on the credenza on either side of the TV.  Of course I'd love a vertical audio stand and be able to use speaker stands but it's too open, too many exposed cables, blah blah, you know the story.  

Question of the day:  can anyone point me in the right direction?  I need minimum 18" depth and all the awful Crate and Barrel stuff she recommends isn't up to my audio standards.  Needs something with doors for a clean look but I still need my IR signal to work.  Because the speakers aren't going on stands, I'd like something at least 20" tall.  A lot of the fashionable stuff is 14-16" tall, putting the tweeters way below ear level in the listening position.  

Any help would be much appreciated.  


Man shaking his head with a borderline resigned look

Webstaurantstore.com for black wire shelving on poles. They disappear with equipment on them. 
All good advice here.  You might also check Craigslist. There are often misc. furniture and entertainment set ups on that site.  You could always get a divorce, but an elaborate custom made wall unit designed and hand made by a dozen Italian master carpenters and a dozen German engineers would be a lot cheaper.  Good luck.
I had a similar experience where I went from:




To this:


The cabinet is from Crate & Barrel, which meets your wife’s desire for C&B furniture. It is very functional; it’s sturdy, very well ventilated and IR remotes are no issue. The size is quite nice as well: 54" long, 24" high and 20" deep.
This story is so predictable and just part of the female dna. I went through the same crap to the point she turned into the teacher from the peanuts. She would talk scream and bitch but I never heard a single word she said. Then I became so comfortable not hearing her it turned into anything she said about anything. Then one day I woke up and realized she served no purpose to me or my life anymore so I put her out to pasture and have never been so happy. In the end I traded her in for a pair of Vandersteen mark 7’s. The best personal and financial decision of my life!
I guess I'm lucky my wife simply doesn't care. As long as it isn't a mess she's completely oblivious.