Raven Audio Nighthawk MK3

Well, I finally did it. After about two years and looking at Vincent, Primaluna, Leben, Rogue, I decided to buy the Raven Audio Nighthawk. I've had it for about a week. Running NOS RCA Clear top tubes in preamp front besides the rest stock. My speakers are Klipsch Lascala II, Yamaha CD player S2100, Uturn Orbit turntable with Ortofon Blue, Cambridge Audio phono preamp, Tellurium Q cables/interconnects. Interested? Having already played several of my favorite Cd's and LP's I have been amazed, shocked, stunned, mesmerized, I'm running out of words. Probably a tad less expensive than I was planning to spend. My wife had tears of rapture as she heard her favorite Pink Martini CD. She asked, "How can it be this much better?" It is completely blowing me away. Power? Seems to have more than my previous 175 RMS at a mere 20 watts! Bass is so right before I added the Sunfire sub (HRS10) I've decided to leave it out. I really believed LaScalas couldn't do real bass. Wrong, Curious to hear more? 
As to bass bypass... just follow the overly simple instructions in manual EXCEPT do NOT trying switching it back and forth while amp is on. TURN OFF before changing setting. The manual does say this but it bears repeating. With Raven off, and connect your sub(s), set bypass to on and the bass signal is bypassed through raven main speakers to bass sub unit, then turn on Raven.  This relieves the amp from having to amplify those demanding lower frequencies and saves your power for mains. The lower frequencies are filtered from mains into sub(s) only. The Raven Nighthawk 20 watts will allow Klipsch LaScalas to be able to blast into rock concert volume WITHOUT using the bypass feature. (Not exaggerating at all!) Plenty of headroom. LaScala's are very low distortion at low volumes by the way. Saves ears!
I ordered mine a week ago,can’t wait to hear it at home.
Hopefully it will pair well with my Goldenear Triton 2+ .
@gregoriomtb16. No worries you will love it. Raven is building great gear. I have the Blackhawk, CeLest towers and Soniquil cables all around. I am in audio bliss.

Hear the music not your gear.

@gregoriomth16.  I have Triton 2’s as well and am looking at the nighthawk as an upgrade.  If you don’t mind, let me know how the nighthawk pairs with the tritons or if I need to start speaker shopping... Cheers!
The Triton 2's are rated at 92 @ 1 watt so...they are a tad hard to drive but (depending on your volume preference) they should be fine. Room size and brightness will also be a factor. (If you live in a 30' X 30' carpet store it could be a problem.) However, your relatively low efficiency speaker has the benefit of not picking up on the low level hum which can faintly be heard in dead quiet rooms with high efficiency speakers like Klipsch LaScalas. (104 @ 1 watt) I'm told a recent upgrade on the Nighthawk has lowered the noise floor. (Getting mine upgraded to Blackhawk-ish now) (New model is labeled the Nighthawk MK3i) I went from 175 watts RMS per channel to Nighthawk at 20....and let me say, the Raven seems to have more depth, slam, and sheer volume potential. Nighthawk gave me the human realism touch I have been searching for.