Integrated recommendation for Revel F30

Looking for used integrated amp recommendations that would mate well with Revel F30 speakers. Budget is up to $1,500. Cabling is Mogami W3082 and W2539 interconnects. Source is a Theta Miles CD player. I stream using an HRT iStreamer and my iphone/ipad. My room is approx. 12x16.
i agree with jaytor--parasound + the f30s have a great natural synergy. yamaha as1000/as2000 would also be good.
Thanks for all the good suggestions guys. I’m currently using a Naim Supernait 1. It sounds good, but I’m not sure it’s the perfect fit. Although I’ve read several times that Naim naca5  speaker cable is the correct cabling for Naim gear. The mogami w3082 I’m currently using sounds good, but I think it may be a little too “rounded” in the midrange for this gear. Btw, anyone heard of Primare? Would the I30 integrated be any good?

the primare i-30 is excellent... truly excellent, among the best solid state sound i have heard and i have been through many many many amps ... i am listening to mine now...

but the i-30’s date back a few years, they are getting old - if you get one make sure it is good shape and works with no issues - primare as a company has moved to class d output stages since the i-30 and they don’t sound as good...