Suggest one obsure album we all should hear

I love when I discover an album that's new to me, and great.Please share one so we can all broaden our musical horizons.

Mine is:
Wishbone Ash  'Argus'
Glad I'm retired. I'll be busy all day with these.
Got another couple I think you'll love.All time favorite of mine. Heavy semi-metal with orchestration and a nice female vocalist: SKINDIVE
I actually had a dream once where a voice said, "Buy the Camel allbum". Lo and behold there was such a group. Try Camel 'Snowgoose'. Amazing stuff
And don't forget KLAATU, the band mistaken for The Beatles.

And I couldn't agree more about CRACK THE SKY!
I know the request was for one, but I simply can’t help myself, so here’s two:
The Rock City Angels - Young Man’s Blues
Divine Weeks - Through and Through
The Rock City Angels were one of those coulda, shoulda, woulda bands that was somewhere between Guns N’ Roses and Great White and recorded one heck of an all killer, no filler 3-sided debut (maybe they should have distilled it down to two sides, as the did on the promo version).
As for Divine Weeks, think The Dream Syndicate but slightly more melodic.
Here’s the link for the video for their "In the Country (for Jim Carroll)":
There’s a lot mentioned here that I don’t consider obscure at all, so maybe my 2 also aren’t obscure. But, here you go:

Philip Catherine “Nairam”
Beaver and Krause “All Good Men”