Cables For Simaudio gear

Hi All,

I've been updating my Simaudio gear to a 700 series, and I have reached a point where I now need to start looking at cables (power and interconects). I've already read some posts and it seems in general the recommendation goes for Cardas. Since the reviews I read had some time now, I was wondering if there is something different/better nowadays.

I was thinking about the following cables:
Power cods: WW Silver Electra 7 or AQ Hurricane
XLR Interconnect: Cardas Clear

I am happy to look into other option, and looking forward to hear your thoughts and experiences.   

Many thanks in advance


ga anyone used the Cardas Clear Cryo XLR, are they worth or is it best to go one level up?

thanks in advance

ga anyone used the Cardas Clear Cryo XLR, are they worth or is it best to go one level up?

thanks in advance


327 posts
02-11-2021 1:22pm
"...It is actually impossible for speaker cables to cause an amplifier to go into oscillation, no matter what the brand..."

Naim does NOT want owners of their power amps to use high-capacitance speaker cables because it can cause instability to the point of oscillation which can be destructive to their amps and to the tweeters in speakers. Naim does not use any inductors or "snubber" networks on their amps which makes them vulnerable to highly reactive loads.

Some years ago, Threshold amps were self-destructing when high-capacitance Polk Cobra cables were used. Nelson Pass, who was with Threshold at the time, worked with Matthew Polk and they both found that "snubber" networks on the amp outputs solved the problem. Polk received a patent for his efforts.