Single driver speakers. Are they worth considering ?

I don't mean electrostatic. How close to a full range speaker can you come with single driver ?
KEF likes to do single driver point source speakers.

Someone seems to be confusing single-driver with concentric drivers. 

Tannoy does a nice job with concentric drivers.
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Wow, you’re opening Pandora’s box with this thread!

As with most things audio, I think this is a matter of personal preference more than anything. Any speaker design is a compromise, it’s just about which trade offs you prefer.

For myself, I ran Harbeth SHL5+ for years and thought they were my end game speakers. Until I stumbled into a pair of Omega super alnico monitors. The Harbeths are world class speakers, but they got sold and I never looked back. The sound of a well designed single driver can be addictive.

YMMV, of course.
single driver speakers have very poor higher frequency sound and cant do bass. That is the price you pay for a bit less comb filtering in the mids.
going on three years with my Omega Speakers. single drivers can dazzle, specially with their tone. you'll certainly give up some frequency. quality vs quantity - what makes you happy?