What is it in MM that can give me goose-bumps? 🤔

Neither the best resolution CD or MC will give me goose-bumps.
Changing to e.g. my AT 440ML will do, will emotionaly move me, has emotional *impact* with every note played. 
CD and even MC seems to resonate with my intellect, my MMs with my emotions. 
It seems somehow contradictory, but so it is. 
Anyone else has these experiences?
Michélle 🇿🇦 
If better MMs are more than good enough for those sound engineers, they are for me too. Save your dollars for tape and tape deck, get serious. 
+1 Raul! Faster transient speed of MC cartridges let them more closely approximate the live musical event! I suspect that strain gauge and the new optical pickup from Japan can do the same! 
And how about the electret cartridges made by MicroAcoustics about 40 years ago? I had the 2002E in use for awhile. Sounded pretty good!
What is it in MM that can give me goose-bumps
I cant answer that, MM's give me haemorrhoids, which is not something I like to scratch.

LOMC's are the only cartridges which give me goosebumps, with one exception - the Moving Iron London Decca Gold ( modded by Garrots ) or London Decca Reference. I also enjoy the Soundsmith Paua MI, beautifully balanced and effortless on classical music, but not quite goosebumpy.

Speed and coherence are important to me and MM's cant do the business here.
Thanks for all the various feedback(s).

Haemorrhoids from listening to MM cartridge(s), eh?!? 🤔

Well, listening to my CD playback right now, I could get mixed up, sound wise, with listening to my Cadenza Black. 
Meaning also, if you fancy CD per se, a good LOMC will take your fancy. OK ✔️

What I do not agree with is, that this sound presentation is closer to near field LIFE listening. Not ever in my life music listening would that have applied. Exept, when e.g. a modern ballet, by say Stravinsky's music, was played during the life ballet performance ON A SOUND SYSTEM! 

Life music, even in the best theatre/concert hall(s) is 'blessed' by it very own form of 'distortion' actually the flavour of the very hall's specific acoustics.
This is my experience, and to a very much greater degree when we listen to Rock music life, with all the amplified instruments!

Long story short, it is my experience that CD/LOMC is more cerebral, deeply detailed, and MM/MI etc. is more emotional, life like, which is more likely to give be Goosebumps. 

Why the MM (mostly) technology can get that right is still open to my full understanding. 

If I play music on my LG (digital decoder fed) OLED TV, it fine like 'elevator music' but never ever would it give me some emotional prickle. 

Maybe not the best comparison, but it is definately closer to CD playback and hardly close to anything like more beautiful life music 'distortion' 🙏
Michélle 🇿🇦