Class D

Been thinking of trying a D amp to reduce clutter. Most that I see are not rated at 2 ohms.  My PSB Stratus gold's will drop to 3 ohms or lower at some frequencies. So my question is will these types of amps handle this impedance ?
Thanks in advance. Chris
Post removed 
madavid0: Something to keep solidly in mind when reading about how wonderful this or that class D module is that the commentator probably doesn't have even a decent system and his standards are very low. That seems to be the general rule with people praising class D.

A bold and laughable generalization. If you consider a system with an Apogee Scintilla or Technics SE-R1 "decent" then you don't know much.
If your argument is based on a low end VTV without even a linear ps, then you know even less.
Note: I had to edit this as it was removed by the moderator. I didn't realize there are some here who are so sensitive!

As good as I like to say Class-D gets with the Technics SE-R1, I still don’t think it’s a good amp for driving the Scintilla’s 2ohm load, compared to big linear bi-polar amps, that can really dump many more amps (current), especially when the Scintilla’s are in the better sounding 1ohm mode.
I head them at the Apogee/Krell dealer 20 years back, Len Wallis Audio, driven by a pair of these Krells, and the sound was to die for, speakers disappeared and had a sound stage and depth you felt you could walk into and greet the artists.
475W into 8 ohms 
850W was available into 4 ohms 
I measured 1060W into 2 ohms, the AC line in our Santa Fe office was sagging significantly for this measurement.
Cheers George
No, I’m not pairing the Scintilla with the SE-R1 - that’s why I said "OR" not "AND". I meant a system with either of those pieces is simply more than "decent" - much more.
I know what works great with Scintillas and class D, as I noted above. And I know of old school amps that work great with them as well. Yes, I’m referring to the 1-ohm version.
Staying on topic...