Class D

Been thinking of trying a D amp to reduce clutter. Most that I see are not rated at 2 ohms.  My PSB Stratus gold's will drop to 3 ohms or lower at some frequencies. So my question is will these types of amps handle this impedance ?
Thanks in advance. Chris

Showing 8 responses by art_boston

Once a again...a thread turned into crap by the usual suspects and their usual arguments.
One D amp that won't "reduce clutter", as OP says, but can easily handle a 1-ohm Apogee Scintilla is the H2O Audio S250 Signature.
Uses older Ice modules, 250W/8-ohm, doubling down, a really healthy power supply, dual mono in one chassis with two toroids, 70-lbs.'s also rare on the used market so don't hold your breath. 
I'm sure there's some special circuitry somewhere but it's pretty basic otherwise. It's all in the design and execution. Point is, class D can properly drive 1-ohm, not just be stable there, if so designed. I don't know why more manufacturers don't make the effort.

No, not on my end. An amp that can easily handle a Scintilla, not just handle but do it beautifully, is a breeze with any other speaker. Several users on the old Apogee forum agree and they are fanatical about their Apogees! I was less fanatical for mine especially when they needed restoration and I had to let them go - along with the amp.

Price is not bad at around $3500, if I recall. Problem is Henry Ho is tough to get a hold off, as it seems this is a sideline for him. I can pass along his email to anyone interested.
Is it too much to ask that we stay on topic?!
Stop baiting George and, George, stop taking the bait.
No, I’m not pairing the Scintilla with the SE-R1 - that’s why I said "OR" not "AND". I meant a system with either of those pieces is simply more than "decent" - much more.
I know what works great with Scintillas and class D, as I noted above. And I know of old school amps that work great with them as well. Yes, I’m referring to the 1-ohm version.
Staying on topic...
madavid0: Something to keep solidly in mind when reading about how wonderful this or that class D module is that the commentator probably doesn't have even a decent system and his standards are very low. That seems to be the general rule with people praising class D.

A bold and laughable generalization. If you consider a system with an Apogee Scintilla or Technics SE-R1 "decent" then you don't know much.
If your argument is based on a low end VTV without even a linear ps, then you know even less.
Note: I had to edit this as it was removed by the moderator. I didn't realize there are some here who are so sensitive!

This isn't a thread on what class D you like. What's the NAD's 2-ohm rating? doesn't appear to be published.
Look, right now there are two H2O Audio S250 Signature amps for sale on US Audiomart. These are real 2-ohm amps that handle Scintillas easily. Plus, they're under $2K. Enough said.
...that’s why you never see independent tests showing the 2ohm wattage almost doubling the 4ohm wattage. Even the Technics SE-R1 still has this problem...

The H2O does it easily, that is drive 1-ohm Scintillas, not necessarily double down to even 2-ohms as no such spec is given by Henry. It uses a linear power supply, but it can't be as simple as that. It must be of some good quality and design.
And it does it with old ICE modules no less! I would look forward to henry's design of a Purifi version but he's hardly in this business as it is.