Audiolab 8300cd

I have been thinking if this unit because of it’s dual role of CD player and DAC using multiple digital inputs. There is very little discussion of it here on Audiogon. I recently bought a Bluesound Node 2i. The sound is somewhat thin using it’s internal DAC. I listen to cds in this system along with streaming. The Audiolab 8300 cd caught my attention because of the DAC feature I can use with the Nide 2i and the relatively modest cost.
Does  anyone have any experience with this player or any possibly helpful info? Thanks!
I bought a Emotiva ERC-4 CDP w/DAC when my old cdp died.  It sounds good but I recently bought an external DAC- MHDT Stockholm v2 and it raised the SQ to a much higher level.  I would look for a nice decent transport or cheaper cdp and buy a really good DAC
I have a two year old NAD c516bee CD player. Thought about that for a transport but the simplicity of a one box solution is of interest to me.
After reading what little I could find online about the 8300cd this afternoon I am considering a modestly priced stand alone DAC for now. I have been looking at the Schitt Bifrost 2. The $699 price is agreeable.
I can revisit a transport later.