Floor-standing vs Book-shelf from upper line up?


I’d like to ask your general opinion and experience.

Of course, I plan to hear (if possible) both to make the final call, but would like to know possible long-term experience.

A room is about 14ft x 13ft, a dedicated listening room with couple acoustic panels.

My question is, (specifically or generally)

- Floor stand speaker vs A book shelf type speaker from the upper line up

What would be the better choice?

 Technically, the bookshelf would provide enough sound for a room, and it’s from the upper line up, so I think this might be the optimized solution.

At the same time, I personally prefer floor-standing design (not that important), and though there might be slightly more power than I need, I think having slightly more power would not sound like a bad idea.


I compare Marten Oscar Trio vs Marten Parker Duo

Both are relatively new, and the price is basically same...  
“This price factor” (assuming you pay for what you get, especially from the same company) is a tricky thing.

If this were B&W 805 vs 704 decision. It would be a lot easier.

What would you choose?

Happy New Year! :D 
A stand mount with a REL or good sub would be great for your room. Just spent 6 months trying speakers. I had a couple from Fritz Heiler on loan and did a couple reviews:


Carrera (the video above): https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/review-fritz-heiler-s-carrera-be-bookshelf-speakers
Carbon 7 SE Mk 2: https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/review-fritz-heiler-s-carbon-7-se-mk-2-bookshelf-speakers

Eventually, I chose Salk speakers, but I am sending back the Carreras today to Fritz and I took a last listen. Wow, they really, really compete with everything else I heard, and Fritz is great to deal with on options, price, etc. As others will tell you, Fritz's speakers have been widely reviewed and extolled. They are sold directly; there is no middleman cut, no dealer or distributor cut, no marketing or advertising overhead. These speakers easily compete with others that cost much more. American made (if you care) by a craftsman in the business 40 years. You know the names KEF, Klipsch, ELAC, Polk, etc. Get to know the name "Fritz" because these excel.
Thank you for advice. 
My curiosity haunts me until I get a bigger house and a bigger speaker that has everything. Also this can’t happen... well very unlikely... :(

@verdantaudio since you know marten, I’d like to ask you for this... how about adding REL T5i to parker? Would REL somewhat cover Oscar’s advantage?
Honestly this is my first time hearing the name fritz. Thank you for the detailed review. I’ll check it out!
@sangbro He's just a super nice guy, really listens to people -- no ego. Just a craftsman. He's been well reviewed and making speakers for a long time. He's happy to offer trials and will talk on the phone. I spent 8 months with his Carbon 7's and about 5 months with his Carreras. Just lovely sounding. I put it all in my write ups. Message me if you wish, or just give him a call.