How old are you?

No age is too young or too old. Just general curiosity about the average age of Audiogon members. 

I’ll start. I’m 39.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtoro3
class of '71.
one of the first bands I saw was Captain Beefheart in Des Moines,IA.
The first quality system I heard was McIntosh / Klipsch, hooked ever since.
Mid-60's here. Started with my brother's hand me down system of AR speakers a Dynaco SCA 35 and Dual TT. Moved on to Kenwood and Large Advents and on from there... Lots of pop's hand me downs. I still have his Nak 700, CA Audio Labs CD and his old Linn is my primary table.
(Do we get to erase this whole year......?)

Is it a stretch to say Hi-Fi enthusiasts helped advance the quality of live music?
Double nickel and a dime. Tunes cranked now and for most of it. 
Time takes its toll; have exact change. 
Lovers of parties,
Lovers of fun,
We are the Class of 81!

So, 57.

Got my first system, an all-in-one unit from Sears with an 8-track player, in 1978. Built my second system myself from parts at Radio Shack and plans I found in books at school. This led to studying electrical engineering in college. After trying a number commercial systems over many years, I am back into building my own tube-based amplifiers to use with commercial sources. Love DIY!