Looking for powered bookshelf/monitor speakers $1000 or less, used is ok. Any recs?

Any specific listings I should look at?  This is for a frugal friend who wants a portable high-end system.
Thanks guys!  I sent my friend info about the klipsch and also KEF LS50w (the latter a little out of his budget).  Keep any other suggestions coming.  I'm realizing that built-in DAC will be very helpful -- friend isn't too keen on having to buy other components. 
If your friend has an Apple iPhone and decent WiFi, a pair of Apple HomePods configured to a stereo pair make an excellent desktop/bookshelf system that is indeed quite portable. HomePods are on Stereophile's Recommended component list. I love mine. They retail for $299/each but can often be snagged on a sale (Best Buy, etc.) for $200/each.

But since not everyone is an Apple user, I can also recommend the series of speakers offered by Audioengine. I have a pair of A5+ on my desk that sound great AND have bluetooth.

Both of these options leave plenty of budget room for accessories like stands or other tweaks/improvements like a custom carrying case for the speakers. 

Good luck.


+1 on the Audioengine A5+. Those gems really perform well above their price range.