suggestion for a SS class AB amp that sounds like a class A ... if such a thing exists

Looking for an amplifier below 2K for my Altec 620A (99 db efficiency). My actual amp is a Sugden A25B, which has 34 watts/chanel in class AB. Although quite musical, it lacks transparency and details. Of course, the best amplifier would be tube or class A but I'm trying to avoid these because of the heat and the electricity bill (my amp is on all day long). My short list include :

  • Audio by Van Alstine Set-120
  • Ayre AX 7e (used)
  • Sugden Mystro (class AB)
  • Benchmark AHB2 (used)

NOTE : please, no class D since I'm not familiar with it (and pretty skeptic too).
@audioguy85 : my place gets way too hot in summertime to use a class A... also, it seems pretty irrational to me to waste so much electricity... I was told by a tech that what damages an amplifier was everytime you turn it on and off... when an amp consume very little at idle (or on a stand-by mode), why not simply leave it on all the time?
at lower power/current delivery level it is the audiosector patek se gaincard clone of the original 47 labs unit
@jjss49 thx for introducing me to Audiosector... I will definitely check that out...
@soix : I will change my set-up today and get rid of the 12 feet cable... I should have done that a while ago but I'm getting lazy...
Extra long speaker cables and extra long interconnects with high capacitance can be impactful. Particularly as noted earlier when gear/voltages are not designed to be used with long runs.   

A simple test is to pull all the gear super close together in a room, even with short low grade cables, make everything super short (for a test).  Listen and see if you can hear any difference.      
@soix @decooney @onhwy61 I just changed the cable going from the DAC to the Sugden and it did make quite a difference... next step, the cross overs... but that’s gonna take a bit more time... thx all...