suggestion for a SS class AB amp that sounds like a class A ... if such a thing exists

Looking for an amplifier below 2K for my Altec 620A (99 db efficiency). My actual amp is a Sugden A25B, which has 34 watts/chanel in class AB. Although quite musical, it lacks transparency and details. Of course, the best amplifier would be tube or class A but I'm trying to avoid these because of the heat and the electricity bill (my amp is on all day long). My short list include :

  • Audio by Van Alstine Set-120
  • Ayre AX 7e (used)
  • Sugden Mystro (class AB)
  • Benchmark AHB2 (used)

NOTE : please, no class D since I'm not familiar with it (and pretty skeptic too).

Showing 17 responses by alaindexe

@jl35 : it does seem logical... I'm gonna start with the cable and if that isn't enough, I'll try another dac... if the problem comes from the dac, I'll be greatly disappointed about Benchmark... I spent so much time searching for a decent dac...
I listen mostly to digital sources... a 16 feet long standard USB cable goes from my computer to the Benchmark DAC1, and another 12 feet long cable goes from the DAC to the Sugden... I used a standard USB cable because the guy at Benchmark told me there was no need for a better one. I don’t know much about the second cable but it looks like a good one. As for my speakers wire, they are OFC Audioquest... I used to have a much better cross over made with oil condenser and other military grade parts, but I had to sell it in order to buy my actual Altec... The sound was better but I also had a different amp...
thank you all for your thoughts and suggestions ...

hilde45: I did a quick search on the Atoll because there's an IN 100 on canuckaudio for cheap ... it has been there for some time and the price has been falling steadily for a few months (which seems suspect) ... from what I've read, the build quality doesn't feel first class to me and I've also read some stuff about the sound that doesn't give me confidence in this product ...

twoleftears : the Belle Aria looks promising even if it's difficult to get infos about it from elsewhere than here ... Any idea about it's power consumption ? I'm looking for an amp but wouldn't mind an integrated if the price is OK...

helomech: the Benchmark is on my list - especially since I have a DAC from this brand and I'm very happy with it - but I probably won't be able to afford one ... also, I don't like having to use balanced inputs even though I know it's better ...

soix: I had thought of Unico but I dropped the idea because I no longer want to deal with tubes ... I had my share of tube amps in my youth but now I don't want to have to deal with it anymore ... also, my amp is on all the time and it doesn't make sense to wear out tubes in these conditions...

@hilde45 ... thx for the picture... the model I look for wasn't the same, it was the IN 100 so my comment may not apply to yours... in one article I read (I forgot which one) the reviewer explained that the chassis was made of pretty thin metal and that it bent when he was plugging the cable at the back... this is a problem I've had with my Hafler DH 101 and it usually isn't a good sign...
@onhwy61 it is true that when I play vinyl, it sounds much better although I don’t have a truly high-end turntable. I just have an old Garrard 401 with an Ortofon OM 20 and it does sing... I guess I’m gonna have to refigure my whole setting... this won't be easy since my computer is on the opposite wall from my system, and my room, 14’ long...
@decooney : yes it’s an original A25B... and I just change the Alp potentiometer (with an original part - no worry)... I will eventually have to change the caps on this one...

The Altec 620A is the enclosure model... speakers are 604 8G (Alnico magnet) ... never heard of surrounding becoming stiff with that kind of speakers... but the cross over needs work, that’s for sure... I’ve wanted to upgrade it for quite some time but it’s quite an investment.... I know of Great Plain Audio, thx...
The Sugden is a great little amp... As I mentionned before, it does play quite well with my vinyl set-up... but it still isn’t as transparent as my previous amp, a CM lab 911 that I got rid of because it required too much maintenance (I had it entirely rebuilt twice). I bought the Sugden because I need an amp until I got something to replace the CM lab but end up keeping it... Even if I were to get something else, I’d probably keep it as a back up amp...

thx for taking the time to kick my a--... and sorry for not selling the Sugden : )
@audioguy85 : my place gets way too hot in summertime to use a class A... also, it seems pretty irrational to me to waste so much electricity... I was told by a tech that what damages an amplifier was everytime you turn it on and off... when an amp consume very little at idle (or on a stand-by mode), why not simply leave it on all the time?
@soix : I will change my set-up today and get rid of the 12 feet cable... I should have done that a while ago but I'm getting lazy...
at lower power/current delivery level it is the audiosector patek se gaincard clone of the original 47 labs unit
@jjss49 thx for introducing me to Audiosector... I will definitely check that out...
@soix @decooney @onhwy61 I just changed the cable going from the DAC to the Sugden and it did make quite a difference... next step, the cross overs... but that’s gonna take a bit more time... thx all...
@zm Thx... the Pucini was on my list for quite some time... but after reading reviews about it, I concluded that it was pretty similar to my Sugden...
@decooney I hear you... I used to have very good cross overs that a friend did for me, when I had Altec Stonehenge III (also with a 604 8G)... they we’re made with oil condenser and military grade parts and weighed about 20 pounds each... they we’re SO MUCH better then the junk that came with the 620A... I’ve been missing them greatly ever since... I sold the Stonehenge III because the inner volume of the enclosure wasn’t sufficient... I had to sell the cross over as well in order to get the money to buy the 620A... it was heart breaking because I built them myself (they were grooved)... but the 620A are MUCH better since they have the perfect volume for the 604 8G...
@ decooney according to the Altec catalogue, their sensitivity is 100db with 1 watt at 4’ on axis... when I had VOT (A-7), I had a pair of 14 watts Leak mono tube amps and it was plenty... and the VOT we’re 101 db... so yes, a low wattage amp if fine... Any thought on the Audio Sector products (gain clone) ?
Thank you all for your suggestions ... they are greatly appreciated ... I am researching each of them and added to my list the Belles Aria, Plinius 8100, Portal Panache and Odyssey khartago ... Apart from the Belle Aria, all have 100 watts / channel (or more) ... as my speakers are 100 db efficient, I won't use all that power ... my current amp is 34 watts / channel and it can drive my Altec hard enough ... I'd rather have a great sounding amplifier of 50 watts (plus or less 10 watts) than a 100 watts (or more) ... thanks!