suggestion for a SS class AB amp that sounds like a class A ... if such a thing exists

Looking for an amplifier below 2K for my Altec 620A (99 db efficiency). My actual amp is a Sugden A25B, which has 34 watts/chanel in class AB. Although quite musical, it lacks transparency and details. Of course, the best amplifier would be tube or class A but I'm trying to avoid these because of the heat and the electricity bill (my amp is on all day long). My short list include :

  • Audio by Van Alstine Set-120
  • Ayre AX 7e (used)
  • Sugden Mystro (class AB)
  • Benchmark AHB2 (used)

NOTE : please, no class D since I'm not familiar with it (and pretty skeptic too).
Quad 405 and its later iterations: the 303 and 606! Truly innovative circuitry and excellent SQ! I have a 405 and it does sound like the proverbial "straight wire-with-gain"! Something the Benchmark amp has been compared to!
@onhwy61 it is true that when I play vinyl, it sounds much better although I don’t have a truly high-end turntable. I just have an old Garrard 401 with an Ortofon OM 20 and it does sing... I guess I’m gonna have to refigure my whole setting... this won't be easy since my computer is on the opposite wall from my system, and my room, 14’ long...
if your vinyl sings then maybe your amp is fine, and your digital chain has some issues. Not only cabling,  but try another DAC, not necessarily a more expensive one...
@jl35 : it does seem logical... I'm gonna start with the cable and if that isn't enough, I'll try another dac... if the problem comes from the dac, I'll be greatly disappointed about Benchmark... I spent so much time searching for a decent dac...