Why is there no love for Prima Luna?

I have noticed fairly negative comments on Prima Luna in various discussions. Granted, I’ve never heard their gear but they seem to offer quite a value proposition. Point to point wiring, auto bias, protection circuits, easy tube rolling, good parts and build quality. I had considered looking into the Evo series integrated but the brand seems to be downplayed on this forum. Anyone have direct experience as to why?
I have had several Chinese amps sent to me for repair....(Psvane being one) and The manufacturer won't give me the time of day for any support, and I find that quite often with Chinese amps....Which makes some of them irreparable......................
I have a primaluna hp power amp driving a pair of focal kanta 2’s and the sound is ethereal. full, round, warm and clear with a soundstage that is deep and wide. my system has never sounded this good. the primaluna weigh a ton and are
built like a tank. I Love Primaluna and anyone who hears them will too.
I was trying to not buy Chinese but then I needed some underwear and a new coat . Gets cold here in Minnesota.
All jokes aside , Chinese CP is terrible ,but the Chinese people are NOT !I have about 20 good Chinese friends in Twin Cites , all Chinese born,am elderly and live alone in a Condo
Almost every day one of them is bringing real Chinese food, fixing whats broke and doing anything I need etc.Their culture is to honor the elderly and ,boy, do they ever.

About half of them are 19-20 old students at U of MN.

I have had a PL HP power amp for about 4 years now, purchased used for 3-4K.   I enjoyed tube rolling and auto bias, settling in on various combinations with three different speakers over that time.  Had lots of fun doing so.  Driving Maggies now and am very happy.  I did not consider where the amp was made when I purchased it, and frankly gave it almost no thought afterwards.  at that price point, I have no complaints and would buy it again.
As I have upgraded speakers, pre, DAC, cables, in the past 3 years, everything happened to be American made, and, all things being equal, I would pick the American product.  Next in line for upgrade is the amp, sometime in 2021. Will I look only at American made? Not by choice, but thinking my budget will be 8-10k, I suspect there won’t be any Chinese candidate.