What’s your top 5 Christmas albums ?

It’s snowing here in Michigan today. Got me into the Christmas spirit. Curious what’s your favorite 5 Christmas albums.

I will get the ball rolling 
Ray Charles- The spirit of Christmas 
Vince GuaraldI Trio - A Charlie Brown Christmas 
Jimmy Smith - Christmas Cookin
Various Artists- Blue Christmas (BlueNote)
Aguanko - Latin Jazz Holiday in Havana

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*the stereo version of the phil spector "a christmas gift for you" album. the mono version to me sounds like a wall of mud. 
*john klein- a christmas sound spectacular [carillon americana]
*star of wonder- san francisco choral artists
*the soulful strings christmas album
*the supremes christmas album
There are two that Nancy and I have listened to for over 25 years (Just played them last night for the first time this year). Nat King Cole on Capitol and Crescent City Christmas by Wynton Marsalis on Columbia. This was recorded at the heights of Wynton's appreciation of Ellington. Fantastic recording!