Cary Audio DMS-550 or Aurender A10

I was wonder if anyone had compared the Cary DMS-550 to the Aurender A10?

The streamer would be feeding my T+A PA3000HV integrated amp which drives a pair of T+A TCD 210S speakers. I would describe the T+A amp as being neutral as it gets out of the way of the music.

Comparing the two units - I do like the fact that the A10 has internal storage and in speaking with Aurender tech support the A10’s internal storage can be upgraded with a SSD drive of any capacity. With the DMS-550 I would be attaching a 8TB SSD external drive directly via USB cable.

The above being said, an interesting positive of the DMS-550 is that it has many more input options such as AES/EBU x1, Coaxial x2, Toslink x1 - so it can function as my digital preamp, instead of me connecting my other digital source components analog to the T+A. 

Looking at the internal construction of each unit you can see the A10 having a clear separation of the DAC and Streamer sections each with their own power supplies. This is not the same as the DMS-550, as it shares a power supply. Internally A10 also appears to be a bit cleaner in it's design layout, with possibly better isolation.  

But in the end what matters is the audio signature and the "voice" each unit would impart to my system.

As a side note - I did borrow a friends Lumin T2 an excellent piece of audio gear, but I did find it slightly bright in my system, and little fatiguing after longer listening.

Any thoughts, advise, wisdom would be very much appreciated.
I recently added Cary DMS-550 to my system although I did not compare it with Aurender A10.

In my case DMS-550 feeds Luxman L-507uxii (Integrated) driving Spendor D7.2 speakers. I have an SSD connect to one of the USB ports and do not subscribe to any streaming services.

All my music until now has been flac files (CD & 96/24). I just bought my first DSD64 album: The Window by David Elias.  The sound was so good that I am on the lookout for more DSD albums. 

For me DMS-550 matches the Luxman/Spendor combination perfectly in terms of sound.  Although the Android app in not perfect, it is still usable.  

Note that USB connected drives are limited to 7TB.

Thank you for the feedback. I have always admired the L-507uxii - a beautiful elegant integrated and I love UV meters and tonal controls!

One of my concerns with the DMS-550 has been the Cary Audio software. I had heard that it’s functional but not "sexy". Is the application stable? Do you find it intuitive?

I have been leaning towards units that incorporate AKM "velvet sound" DAC chip sets as they seem to always be described as being on the warm side of neutral. Which is generally my listening taste.

I may also try a friends Cocktail Audio X45Pro, a slightly different streamer as it has CD ripping capabilities. I am a bit interested in how the X45Pro sounds with the SABRE ES9038PRO DAC chip set.

I do wish the DMS-550 had internal disk storage capabilities. Having a SSD in an external case is a little problematic for me. Thanks for the 7TB size limit tip.
Coming from a BluOS app Cary Audio App definitely does not have that polished look, but so far the app has been stable and is intuitive to use.

I attach a Sandisk portable SSD and shove it under the DMS-550 chassis; its feet are high enough to accommodate portable SSDs under it. 

Cary on sale right now for 3297. No brainer go with the Cary. I have the DMS 600 and love it. I previously had an Aurender A10 and the Lumin T2. 
The A10 is getting long in the tooth and the advantage of the integrated hard drive ( mine failed)  is minimized with the excellent streaming services Plus an outboard drive can be swapped out easily. 
Cary is Roon ready. No Roon support for Aurender 
Built in pre  is much better in the Cary 
connectivity as mentioned is night and day with the Cary 
Conductor app is superior to the Cary app
the Cary’s remote can run everything 
superior display on the Cary 

Going to give you the sound characteristics you want. Just a more robust sound than the Aurender.