Responses from josephp732
HiFi Rose RS150B vs. Eversolo DMP-A10 @thriftyaudio Thank you for sharing your experience. It's never easy when it's an issue like you described - especially on newly released gear. I do, as probably you do, feel that in general most manufactures and dealers will go out of their way t... | |
HiFi Rose RS150B vs. Eversolo DMP-A10 @thriftyaudio Who did you buy your A6 from? My A8 had an issue with it's Samsung M.2 NVMe drive. I purchased my A8 from Upscale Audio, they were very helpful and took my A8 back and sent a new one. The new one had the same issue in that the SSD dr... | |
HiFi Rose RS150B vs. Eversolo DMP-A10 I went with the Eversolo DMP-A10. I paid $3,200. It's a noticeable upgrade to the A8. The sound stage is wider and deeper with better instrument separation. The big surprise was how pronounced the fathom center channel is with the A10 in my system... | |
New Eversolo DMP-A10 I just picked up a dealer demo DMP-A10 (with warranty) - I think one of the first ones on the secondary market. Paid $3k - which I though was an ok price since my A8 with the LPS-A8 Beatechnik power supply was $2,350. It arrives tomorrow, I’ll pos... | |
HiFi Rose RS150B vs. Eversolo DMP-A10 "New RS151" ???? Hmmm | |
HiFi Rose RS150B vs. Eversolo DMP-A10 Thank you all for the feedback so far. I’ll clarify a few things. The system does do many things and is not dedicated just to audiophile listening. So, due to some space limitations, still big on vinyl and have my turntable and phono pre-amp takin... | |
Help me understand the current amp market @macg19 T+A equipment is always built like a tank. I had a PA 3000 HV that I sold when I was down sizing to a condo (Threw my back out re-boxing that amp). That’s when I went with the Luxman L-509x. I do love the Luxman but miss the warmth and mas... | |
Help me understand the current amp market @jyaki Accuphase E-5000 or Gryphon Diablo 333? I would love to try the Gryphon Diablo 333, but it's a bit out on my price range, and being new I haven't seen it yet on the used market. "I think", and don't everyone jump all over me, that the Accup... | |
Help me understand the current amp market I have a Luxman L-509X and find it to be an excellent integrated. For me the next serious upgrade would be to some thing like a T+A PA3100HV. I am consider the one listed here on Audiogon for $7k (a bargain considering it sells for ~$25k new), it'... | |
Anyone listen to entire albums? I grew up in the late 70's and early 80's. My local North Jersey radio station, was WDHA, it was an album rock format. They used drop the needle and play new releases beginning to end. My friends and I would record the broadcasts on our cassette d... | |
Clear Audio Concept Wood / Satisfy Carbon Tone Arm w/Concept MC (replacement cartridge?) I was looking at the Hana SL. What differences did you notice? I generally liked Concept MC for my main listening tastes of jazz & vocals. The new Goldring Elite that is available is being sold for ~$400 (normally $1,200). It has some good rev... | |
Temporary Down Sizing - Integrated Amp Recommendations I agree with your statement between Luxman and Accuphase. Unfortunately a newer vintage Accuphase is a bit out of my reach (budget wise). | |
Temporary Down Sizing - Integrated Amp Recommendations Thank you all so very much for the advise and the kind comments. I am going to do some additional research on some of the recommended amps, but I am leaning towards the Luxman L-505uXII. If I decide on the Luxman are there any concerns about impor... | |
New Cary DMS 700 I am about 220 hours in on my new 700. At 200 hours I noticed another layer of resolution, depth and clarity opening up. The one thing I have realized as a major difference between the 550 vs 700 is on lesser quality recoding's, not the digital re... | |
New Cary DMS 700 Wow you bit the bullet and did the upgrade - congratulations! It will be very interesting to hear your thoughts on how it compares to the 600. Yes - the SD card is my best sounding source. I keep my highest resolution material (128/256 DSD and 192... |