Beyond Boutique Speakers

The thread "boutique" speakers was apparently for makers who are famous enough to get regular reviews in Stereophile.

I thought it would be good to focus on makers who have not even gotten that far or you want to have a personal relationship with your speaker maker.

Selah Audio

Lee Taylor, who made my cabinets and knows his stuff:

And of course Fritz

Of the three, I’m only familiar with Taylor’s cabinetry which is excellent, and Fritz’ finished products.

I can recommend both based on the reasons above. I really like the choices Selah makes, but I’ve never heard or seen them in person.  The floor is now open to recommend others.  I would like to ask that we stay with small makers who do not make it to the review pages on major magazines.
Appreciated your clarification of "boutique," Erik. 

I'd add Simon Mears Audio to that (smaller) list..
So I guess this means Zu is in?? :-)

Again, lets keep it fun.

Mentioning good people who make good speakers no one has probably ever heard of is the goal.  The more the merrier.
"warms my heart to finally see the Troll Kenjit simply being ignored "
I thought that was worth repeating murphythecat

I started that other boutique thread and was very impressed with the number of small shops producing quality speakers. It must take an enormous amount of passion and dedication to do that. We benefit from the choices and quality so I love the idea of supporting them. 

Another CT outfit that I stumbled on a few years ago: