Integrated amp recommendations

I have YG Carmel 1 speakers. I am after either:
- an all in one integrated including DAC and streamer. I was thinking
- Bel Canto e1x .
- the Naim uniti Nova
- a Luxman combined with a streamer/dac/server all in one unit
- something else around a similar price point

I prefer quite a rich sound, with sweet highs

your thoughts appreciated.
The NAD M33 is a good option and I think will sound good with your speakers.   

This is where I would normally recommend something from AVM but the only unit they have available at the moment is the CS8.3 which is $15,400 MAP.  I think it would be amazing with your speakers.  The CS5.3 and 2.3 which are in the sweet spot of your price range are delayed till next year due to COVID 19.  

Maybe something from Primare?  They have modules that go into the I25 and I35 Prisma units that should give you what you are looking for in terms of functionality.  Not sure how it will sound with your speakers though.  

Full disclosure, I am an NAD and AVM dealer.  I have not relationship with Primare.  Unless a dealer has stock on the M33, they are out-of-stock till the end of the month.  I have a few on order right now.  
+1 @jjss49 OP should at least consider hybrid. Full disclosure: not a dealer.
I suppose to clarify, I am not looking for a rich coloured sound. I just want an accurate sound which is not lean or clinical...that's why i said rich. In particular I like to "feel" the weight of voices and instruments
I just sold my Modwright KWA150SE as I need to downsize to an integratred for space reasons, if that helps. Its a great amp though and I like that sort of sound.
I was thinking like a Luxman 507 or 509, but it may be too smooth and warm compared to a modright