How many AudiogoNers are amateur chefs?

I know this is WAY off topic, but I am curious as to how many of you folks fancy yourselves as amateur chefs. I ask this as I just completed my first day of culinary school. This is not a school for training pros (we meet on Fridays for the day), but for those folks who want to become better cooks, learning to prepare menus, pairing foods and wines, etc. I still have my full-time profession, so this is for home.
I love to cook. What amazes me most about a lot of folks (I'm talking about going to friends or relatives for dinner or whatever) is that almost everyone overcooks everything. Beef cooked to 180, poultry to over 200, veggies cooked to mush. You cooks know what I'm talking about.
 I grilled some sirloins for my inlaws the other day, nice char on the outside, warm red in the center. They put theirs in the microwave for 15 minutes! Food cooked to the right temp is the ticket to amazing dishes.
me me me me! :)

it is fun, an act of creation and socialization, with wonderful results (once you know what you are doing)...
Since my last post to this thread (in 2003!) I've learned some new-to-me techniques - like sous vide.  Had a nice steak this evening, heated via sous vide to about 130 degrees F and then reversed seared in a very hot cast iron skillet for 2 min. per side.  Quite nice and highly recommended to those seeking something new.
I have a small bakery biz here in Vietnam serving the expats with sourdough bread, marble rye ,  pies, cakes and meat pies . 
I’ve been retired over here for a few years and couldn’t find the quality breads I missed from S. Calif where I was born and raised so I started playing around with starters for about 6 months before I dialed it in and I just grew from there. The bakery now takes care of my monthly expenses.