How many AudiogoNers are amateur chefs?

I know this is WAY off topic, but I am curious as to how many of you folks fancy yourselves as amateur chefs. I ask this as I just completed my first day of culinary school. This is not a school for training pros (we meet on Fridays for the day), but for those folks who want to become better cooks, learning to prepare menus, pairing foods and wines, etc. I still have my full-time profession, so this is for home.

Showing 2 responses by rshak

I got in to cooking several years ago - just to see if I could make some interesting dishes. I try to cook up something special at least once each weekend. I find it interesting and quite entertaining.

Best thing I stumbled across: *Cooks Illustrated* magazine. It comes out 6x per year and is well produced. No ads. The articles explain not only *how* but *why* - - if you haven't seen this publication, look for it. You won't be disappointed.
Since my last post to this thread (in 2003!) I've learned some new-to-me techniques - like sous vide.  Had a nice steak this evening, heated via sous vide to about 130 degrees F and then reversed seared in a very hot cast iron skillet for 2 min. per side.  Quite nice and highly recommended to those seeking something new.