Your most indispensable "tweak"?

Trying to narrow my possibilities down... 
Got serious about cords and clean power.

Closing the curtains when listening. 
Tweaks that worked for me:
- Townshend seismic corners under the rack. These ‘float’ the whole rack and made a big difference
- cheap Granite slabs under speakers
- Isoacoustic Gaia feet under speakers
- CAD GC1 and GC3 passive grounding units
- a dedicated Hi-Fi ring from main fuse box- closing the curtains (eliminates reflections from the glass)

Tweaks that made NO difference to me:
- Isolation feet under individual components (and I tried three brands just to be sure) made no difference. Maybe because the whole rack is floated on Townshend seismic corners.
- power conditioning, even a top of the range £6k conditioner. It smoothed the sound but did not improve it.

Mundorf/Sparkos-labs/Takman REY/F&T/Navships wiring/Telefunken
all vital and >>indispensable>>