Member Almarg passed away last night

Al ( @almarg ) passed away peacefully yesterday evening, September 14th, 2020.

Margaret, Al's wife, was by his side most of the afternoon.

Both she and Al, as well as Al's family, were deeply touched by the outpouring of respect and appreciation for Al from members who, via written word, shared so very much in the 'Update on Audiogon Member Almarg' thread.

 Margaret extends her thanks, gratitude and appreciation to all members. She treasures each and every post.
My deepest condolences to Al's family. I will miss Al's contribution and presence in Agon.
@david_ten ,

From Margaret:

"Among all the other ways Al had positive contributions to make, perhaps, is that he was the first hospice patient at Yale to figure out how to pipe in music audio into the 4 Supportive Care Unit rooms."

That's a lovely anecdote. It's good to hear that for Al, just like it does for the rest of us, access to music remained a priority.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was also trying to figure out the best way to do it without incurring too many sonic compromises.

We audiophiles can't help it, we just seem to be wired that way.
Saddened to hear of Als passing. My aloha and condolences to his wife and family. As a newbie to this forum 10 years ago, I had much to learn after being away from audio for decades. Al was always patient, precise, kind and fabulously helpful in explaining simple and complicated concepts. He had patience and kindness that came thru in every post. I learned more than just about audio from him as he showed how to act in a community and how to be generous all the time. May he rest in peace. 
 cd183, thank you for reposting Margaret's message. That is yet another example of Al's mind at work alway's looking for positive helpful improvements for all. We can bet he made sure that hospital grade outlets were in place to start. 
Thanks for keeping us updated, @da. What will we do without him? Now he is listening to the angels sing. I hear they're pretty good.