Schiit CD transport on the cards soon?

Should be very affordable with 14 day trial, like the other products.
Schiit CD transport looks like a popular subject over at the Hoffman forums.
Also talk at superbestaudiofriends and Audio Asylum forums as well.

You can bet designer/ceo Mike Moffat (Schiit Audio) when he brings out a transport, he should nail it.
He has Lampizator’s tick of approval in his shootout list of the best all time transports. And Mike Moffat’s old Theta Data took out first place.
Lampizator " The First Battle Of Transports
Description of contenders:
1. Theta - chosen because it is legendary, because it is unmodded and for the worldwide audience can serve as a benchmark, and because it sounds bloody good in my home. So far - by far - my best transport.
Cost used on ebay USD500"

Cheers George
I wish PS Audio would consider making things in this price class. Their PerfectWave is $6500. I guess they're just a different kind of company aiming at a much higher price class, but given that they make the Sprout, one would think they'd make something else to pair that with.
I am looking for a transport to replace the Cambridge CXC. Nothing against the CXC, will keep it a secondary system. Will be interested in the Schiit, should they produce one.