Review on the Rockna Audio Wavelight Pre/DAC just went up on Stereo Times

My review on the Rockna Audio Wavelight Pre/DAC has just been posted on the Stereo Times website. I have received many Emails from Gon members asking questions about it's performance in the last couple of months. There is an on-going thread about Rockna Audio DACs and I shared on that thread that I had the Wavelight in for review. This Pre/DAC has much to offer across the board and is highly competitive at it's price point of $5000. For all the details take a look at the review. Enjoy today's holiday!
Hey redwoodaudio,

If you read the review you would see that based on build quality, innovative technology, and most importantly the Wavelight DAC’s performance I thought it was superlative and gave it a big thumbs-up. No short comings heard or reported by me in the review.

I have now in a year and a half have reviewed five different DACs ranging in price from $1000 to $6500, all of them are superlative performers at their different price points. There is no "BEST" of anything in high-end audio. Today, for very reasonable amounts of money there are many excellent DACs that offer higher levels of performance with slight differences between them in actuality.
Today, for very reasonable amounts of money there are many excellent DACs that offer higher levels of performance with slight differences between them in actuality.
This is definitely good news. Where do you think this one falls in? Better to your ears than any more expensive DACs?  Any input on its USB input? 

Thanks also for your excellent music recommendations. I just wish more of them were streamable, but the artists you choose to feature are all brilliant. 
Hey redwoodaudio,

If you are shopping for a pure DAC, not a streamer with a DAC, and your budget is around 5K, the Wavelight is sonicly right there with all the other top rated DACs. Can't comment on its level of performance through the USB input, did not drive it that way in my auditioning process.

I had just shared with a reader that I have had in-house some of the most highly regarded and expensive DACs on the market, such as DCS, MSB, Chord, EMM Labs and found them to be good, but not really better for the up cost of another 10K to 20K more. These days you can get a great sounding DAC and not have to spend more then 6K and sleep well knowing you have a level of performance that as good as far more expensive pieces without breaking the bank.
That was VERY helpful feedback on the sound comparing the 2 DACs. This helps a potential customer make a decision on which route he/she has to go. Good to know that these < $6k DACs are achieving performance of mega $$$$$ DACs. As a reviewer you have access to these. But most folks like us do not. Hence some sort of X Vs Y helps. And like you said - one may not be better than the other - just different.
Thanks much!