Review on the Rockna Audio Wavelight Pre/DAC just went up on Stereo Times

My review on the Rockna Audio Wavelight Pre/DAC has just been posted on the Stereo Times website. I have received many Emails from Gon members asking questions about it's performance in the last couple of months. There is an on-going thread about Rockna Audio DACs and I shared on that thread that I had the Wavelight in for review. This Pre/DAC has much to offer across the board and is highly competitive at it's price point of $5000. For all the details take a look at the review. Enjoy today's holiday!

Showing 3 responses by milpai

Hi Terry, how does this DAC compare with the Bricasti M3? Both of these are at very similar price points.While your review does indicate that it is a nice DAC to consider at it's price point, I must be very honest and say that the review feels a bit short, compared to your other reviews. Did the distributor request it back too soon?
That was VERY helpful feedback on the sound comparing the 2 DACs. This helps a potential customer make a decision on which route he/she has to go. Good to know that these < $6k DACs are achieving performance of mega $$$$$ DACs. As a reviewer you have access to these. But most folks like us do not. Hence some sort of X Vs Y helps. And like you said - one may not be better than the other - just different.
Thanks much!
@mitch2,It looks like people want to hear the comparison between the Wavelight and the Holo May. At least I am very much interested. I am not sure even professional reviewers have been able to hear these together for a comparison. I find that not a single Holo Audio May has been resold, while many people have already sold their Wavelights. This does not necessarily make me jump into any conclusion, since the designer can tweak the Wavelight through a firmware update. I am in no rush though - just curious and if opportunity arrives, I would look at these 2 DACs.