Want to setup basic home audio system

As the title states, I am looking for advice on the main components required to get a basic home audio system going for under 1k. When I do get to save more money, I am open to add more into the system. For now, what are the basic components of a home audio system that I mainly need to focus on right now? I am not looking to get a home theater setup. ONNLY LOOKING TO GET HOME AUDIO SYSTEM FOR MUSIC
um....yeah....Transduction drivers....."All of them".
Mag-planar mainly but some cone type as well.. Whatcha building Carpathian?
"Nails", Carpathian,.....Lots and lotsa big shiny nails.
 And quit sniffing that glue!
 (Didn't you at least have an, "Erector Set" or something as a kid)?
I could send you cabinets, "Flatboxed".
BIG, GIANT, flat-boxes
Besides, my "Di-Pole", designs do not use "Enclosures". Just tall and very wide baffles. It's the bass registers where things get complicated. And Very, very heavy! Currently working on a subwoofer system which is a "triangular vertical column". A sub on each of the three sides, "Per stack unit", to "0-sum" the movement of the transducers. So three "technically", vertical lines of sub's.  "stacks" of three subwoofers in each, "Compartmented unit". A-"Sub-Line source array", "Laser-Accelerator measured, Servo-controlled", creating three, "Cylindrical", waves. One each, launched from the three sides of the column. so you'll only need, "One-Subwoofer"! Regardless of the rooms size!
Just sayin...
Show off...
I tied my shoes all by myself today. 
Well, they're Velcro, but still....
 (Didn't you at least have an, "Erector Set" or something as a kid)?
I suspect he got to that point a little later in life. Most did.