What other hobby...

has has an infinite number of variables like this one?
@daj...Yup, perspective is All.  And it keeps ones' priorities grounded.  Although I've not been able to do the majority of the experiences I'd have like to done, I've certainly been through and about Enough. *S*

With the company of my beloved spouse and the plethora of pets we've shared our times with...we've had a pretty good time about it.  Of course, there's always a 'bucket list', but there's always going to be Something Desirable to Do.  That's just the nature of our beasts...;)

One can always be disappointed about Something,  It's being able to let it go without remorse, without fret, without the feeling of being deprived or blocked by anything other than ourselves.  And most of the latter revolves around the practical pursuit of existence in the day2day...

One could complain....but nobody really wants to hear it, and one would rather put the time and energy into Something Else more interesting, perhaps fun, or just plain productive and practical.

Death is inevitable...OK.

Meanwhile, I think we should stay 'entertained'; as to what that means to You....is up to You. *G*

Have @ It.

Yers, J

14 posts09-01-2020 10:22pmNot a downer if you get it... but, preparing to die. (Hopefully not for a long time!) The older I get, the more my perspective on all the activities and fuss evolves. "You may die a hundred deaths without a break in the mental turmoil. Or, you may keep your body and die only in the mind. The death of the mind is the birth of wisdom."


Call Fader McBluber,

Crap, got me right in the ol tear duct. You sure let the FART out of the bottle. Geez dude.... You have the ol .5 amp fast blow fuse syndrome.

Me, I’m more of a 100 amp, auto resetting breaker kind of guy. I got plenty of juice left in the ol’ tank..

What do you mean by an "infinite number of variables"?
Are you referring for instance to all the factors involved in choosing "what is the best [X]?" (where "X" = speaker/amp/cable etc)?
So for example in choosing speakers, one might want to consider price, size/weight, build quality, local availability, placement constraints, Wife Acceptance Factor, etc etc, not to mention factors of SQ such as frequency response, dynamic range, bass impact.

Now try framing a similar question for another hobby.  Say, woodworking. What's the best workshop set-up and choice of tools for a budget of $N? You'd be facing a whole 'nother complex set of variables and supporting questions. Like, "Do you prefer hand tools or power tools?"  (~= classical or rock and roll).  
tk21, you and Douglas_Schroeder ain’t no fun. You both took a light hearted question way too seriously. I loved all of the answers except those from both of you. I fear you are both too contentious and defensive to ever be on my party list.