Conrad Johnson or PrimaLuna

Your opinions please.
I'm considering 2 integrateds; First the PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium HP, (used) or a Conrad Johnson CAV-45 Control amp, used as well...Focal 1038Be speakers in a 12x19 room. 


@millercarbon contest.

No contest based on what?  All of your listening experiences comparing the CJ, PL, and Raven? Barking out a brand with no context or basis is beyond unuseful.
 "my harbeths and proacs are a notch less sensitive than your teks -- wonder about db headroom"

If they work fine with the PL, likely fine with Raven.

"i have been a die hard audio research and vac fan for many years, recently tried and like a primaluna... really good for the money in many important ways"


I caught this line from a review on the Reflection, which was disappointing to find out:
 "The amp runs in self-bias, or cathode bias, which is my preference for consumer electronics.":
Their autobias isn't the latest that VAC/PL use.

In the grand scheme of things, it's something that's not going to be heard from your speakers. But if we're comparing parts.....

Other than having a more diverse lineup, I don't see much difference from other small  USA companies. 

I wouldn't be surprised if Raven is really a Korean company that just ships their stuff here to be assembled. Who cares...if it sounds great, which I don't doubt, it doesn't matter.
I owned the PL Dialogue Premium prior to the Rogue. The PL was serviced 3 times in 4 years and the problem was with the auto bias section. Each time a power tube lit up and blew the board. Rogue uses individual fuses for each power tube in case this happens which prevents any damage to the amp. 
Auto bias also introduces an additional circuit which may affect the sound quality.  I prefer to bias the amp myself which takes just a few minutes plus it guarantees all the tubes are set the same. Sound wise, the Rogue is also more detailed and cleaner sounding but that’s my opinion. 

no my primaluna is the hp version, 4x kt88 per side - sorry i wasn’t specific

so in fact it is double the output tubes on the raven or standard primaluna amps


which rogue model?

I own the Cronus Magnum 3. I bought mine with GL KT77 tubes instead of the stock KT120 tubes. I feel the KT77s have a better midrange and soundstage.