Integrated amp suggestions.

Downsizing from Mcintosh 601 mono blocks and MC. c52 preamp to integrated amp.
My speakers are Sonus Faber Nova 5 CD player is MC. 550. 
Music collection is all cd's, I'm not streaming at all.
I'm thinking maybe the Dan D'Agostino Progression integrated.
It sounded great with the same speakers I have, and a AR. CD player.
My local dealer is giving a very good trade in deal on the D'Agostino.
Any other suggestion would be appreciated.
Gryphon Diablo 300 is pretty stellar and worth a listen if you have the opportunity. I was going to “upgrade” my Pass separates to the Diablo until I decided to splurge on Gryphon separates.

The descriptions of Ayre sound above are interesting and a little different from my experience - I find Ayre (at least their integrateds) very incisive and fast, but a bit lean and light in the bass, with a bit of highlighting to leading edges and the upper midrange that makes some things a bit pronounced. I suspect this might be due to the topologies they use that tend to have more 3rd harmonics in the THD. They are definitely quiet though and pull out a lot of detail without sounding bright - really good with warmer speakers like Sonus Faber and Vandersteen, not so much for, say, Magico or Focal IMO.

regarding ayre gear, i would agree that the sound signature is

- deep dark dark black background, from which detail emerges very naturally without a sense of brightness or emphasis
- not the last word in deep bass slam/extension, although it is very rhythmic and tuneful
- natural, nuanced, even a little warm midrange... not a fat midrange, but to my ears it is not lean (like alot of other solid state), exceptional smooth, but without loss of tonality
- very good speed and flow to the music, well timed and once again, just natural sounding, easeful without seeming at all lazy
- outstanding spatial capabilities - deep wide layered... i think this is one ayre’s great strengths

agree that matching with speakers and ancillaries key (as is always the case) - but it is special, outstanding gear

Hegel H590: I don't think I've heard a best sounding integrated at this price point -- and perhaps way beyond it.
I would like to add yet another recommendation for the Ayre AX-5 Twenty, especially paired with the Sonus Faber Olympcia Nova V speakers. I auditioned this very combination last month, and it was stunningly good. That setup also included a dCS Bartok streamer/DAC. We also tried a Luxman L550 integrated in the setup, but some of the magic was clearly lost. I have also recently auditioned the McIntosh MA7200 integrated with a Linn streaner/DAC ($10K), and Olympicia Nova III speakers. I did not like this combination nearly as much as the Ayre with the Nova  III, and the Ayre with the Nova V was in a completely different class. I liked the Ayre AX-5 Twenty so much I purchased one. Now to add the Nova V's!