Best thing to get

hope I’ve come to the right place as I have no idea about these things! My son is wanting to busk. He’s a dancer and has been out a few times and performed. The problem is we can’t work out how to get his music played loud enough. We’re wanting to get him a decent amp to play his backing tracks through but we have no idea where to start. Can anyone give us some pointers as to where we should start looking. Thanks for any help anyone can give
Main problem is this stuff is so specialized no one can advise without knowing an incredible amount of details. Like, how big a space? How many people? How loud? How compact/easily transportable? Does it have to look good or just sound good? Or just sound loud? What's the budget? 

The amp provides the power, the speaker makes the sound. Often times speaker and amp together are referred to as the amp. 

Options range from a $20 wireless speaker barely louder than a Bose radio to the AC/DC road tour rig. So it helps if you can narrow it down some.
Look for a music store in your area, Talking to someone face to face or mask to Mask is a good starting point.Check out other buskers and ask them for a few tips.I'm with millercarbon on this one it raises a multitude of possibilities.Did I just say I'm with millercarbon?
"Did I just say I'm with millercarbon?"

You stole my words. This day will go down in history.
I never heard of busking until now. I looked it up and it said performing for donations. Is he dancing for donations?