Game Changing Tweak

I bought a pair of electrical devices called Electraclear from a company called AddPowr. They're simply plugged into an electrical outlet that's shared by your system. I paid under $300 for them and they've boosted my system's fidelity dramatically. In the 1800's,  a physicist and mathematician, Joseph Fourier, delved into the science of harmonics, and now the founder of AddPowr used these equations to increase the signal to noise ratio. (more signal=less noise) His devices act as harmonic resonators. He worked for a high-end audio cable company before focusing on this new range of products.
   I thought that when I first received the Electraclears, the difference would be subtle. To my surprise and delight, it was a stunning change. I was hearing music from the inside out. Cleaner, more dynamic, and a far greater and noticeable improvement than my power conditioner produces.
   I love finding inexpensive audio devices that work. The company makes other products, but I'd recommend a pair of Electraclears to start. 
Five days ago, I changed the UK three flat pin socket faceplate of my electrical socket to one that would fit the US pin configuration of a new upgraded power cable I am thinking of getting. All I changed was the faceplate with the hardware behind it to receive the existing live, neutral and earthing wires. It was a hospital grade item, since that was all that was available, and so much medical equipment is made in the United States. And then I plugged the same stock power cable back in so I could listen to my music in the few days leading up to my demo appointment. I obviously didn’t expect anything from the change, and the difference shocked me. I would use the same words as the OP to describe the change to the sound I was listening to. I will never pass off any claimed difference in sound quality due to however small a tweak ever again : ) - kevin.
Confirmation bias sells lots of products.  Whether it is a gadget that fools your carburetor into releasing the hidden power in the gasoline (sold with a rambling pseudo-science lecture on ionization), or a gadget you can plug in anywhere in the house to awaken your electronics and unleash hidden goodness.  The unfortunate truth is that the power supply in the electronics will convert the AC to a DC rail voltage (or voltages) before getting to work making music.  If it is a good power supply, nothing will survive the filtering and your gadget will allow the placebo effect to bask you in the warmth of $300 burning while doing no actual harm.  Looking at some of AddPowr's higher end products, they are willing to help you burn up to almost $4,000 on a box that simply plugs into an available outlet. Imagine the warmth created by that!
Still, with all the above being said. I tried a demo unit (Sorcer X4) couldn’t believe the sound quality improvement and then bought one. I have 3 dedicated 10 gauge lines , whole house surge protector and a Niagara 7000, 1200 and 1000 power conditioners.

Try to demo one for yourselves.


+1 ladickinson! And your first post, too! You are a brave fellow to face down the Flat Earthers on this forum!