Great Intergated amp with great built in DAC

Does anyone have a great integrated with a great DAC built in? Only those who own one respond please.
Budget? What type of sound are you looking for?  What speakers will this amp be driving?
First post and I don’t want to start a war!  Why buy an amp that will be great for many years with a built in DAC where the technology changes must faster when you could have separates?  

I buy dumb TVs with a Roku so I can upgrade the Roku without replacing the TV. The panel is the same and I pay $100 for the Roku that is similar or better In performance to the “smart” in the TV. 
Lyngdorf TDAI 3400. Has Room Correction built in too. Best I’ve experienced to date.
Mark Levinson 5805 is a sweet integrated.  Not as much power as the 585.5 but has a newer DAC that is just awesome.