Aftermarket fuse for subwoofers?

Anyone with experience changing their subwoofer(s) fuse(s)? With SR running a 3-for-2 promo this month on their Orange fuse line, which I use everywhere else in my system, I’m curious if there’s anything noticeable to be gained swapping out the OEM’s in my JL Audio e-110’s.

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Not quite sure why Aunty Fuse decided to show up as the OP made it quite clear in his opener that he is not invited.

(Note: this thread is only for those who accept that fuses make an SQ difference; others, please pass)
But then again after Aunty Fuses deplorable posting last night it is obvious he has no shame or guilt.

Quite right MC,no respectable E.E would even dream of recommending anybody to try that mad scientist trip with a shorted out fuse.

Ergo Aunty Fuse is not a respectable....
Well I will let you guys fill in the blanks.
@millercarbon5 & uberwaltz -- From the standpoint of having a useful thread about the topic raised, I don’t see your posts as any better than his. If you can delete them, please do so. In any case, please leave it to the OP, i.e., me, to handle the situation.
Aunty Fuse will do anything to close a thread on fuses.
Just ignore him.
He won't go away and will become more irate as time passes.
Just ignore him.
He'll provoke, insult and go as low as he can to get a rise out
of you in order to close this thread.
Just ignore him.

Please check back in after you've tried a fuse or two and let us know how it worked out for you.

All the best,
Highstream The fuse in the JL Audio woofers protects the amplifier not the driver. Between that fuse and the driver is a big power supply with enough capacitance to drive that driver into mechanical distortion without stressing the line power at all. The power supply is like a big water reservoir between your house and the water supply. Changing the fuse will not change the way the driver functions at all. JL Audio over builds their power supplies. Hope this helps. Are you having a problem with the woofers?