Aftermarket fuse for subwoofers?

Anyone with experience changing their subwoofer(s) fuse(s)? With SR running a 3-for-2 promo this month on their Orange fuse line, which I use everywhere else in my system, I’m curious if there’s anything noticeable to be gained swapping out the OEM’s in my JL Audio e-110’s.


Showing 3 responses by nonoise

Watch as the worm turns.
With only 15 responses, Aunty Fuse has gone from advising to attacking the OP. That must be a new record.

BTW, being a "public" forum gives no one the right to attack and denigrate. I hate it when the "free speech" trolls take refuge behind a badly misunderstood meme.

Only the federal government is restricted in what they can do to a persons rights with regards to their speech. Hate speech is not protected, especially when done by a troll. Anyone can moderate a forum or a thread they initiated and censor a mean spirited jerk.

It's perfectly legal, and most welcome.

All the best,
Aunty Fuse will do anything to close a thread on fuses.
Just ignore him.
He won't go away and will become more irate as time passes.
Just ignore him.
He'll provoke, insult and go as low as he can to get a rise out
of you in order to close this thread.
Just ignore him.

Please check back in after you've tried a fuse or two and let us know how it worked out for you.

All the best,