Aftermarket fuse for subwoofers?

Anyone with experience changing their subwoofer(s) fuse(s)? With SR running a 3-for-2 promo this month on their Orange fuse line, which I use everywhere else in my system, I’m curious if there’s anything noticeable to be gained swapping out the OEM’s in my JL Audio e-110’s.

I had Blue first, now Orange. Also have five subs in a DBA.  Clearly they do make a difference. However, not equally as much in everything. The vast majority of the improvement seems to be in opening up detail and dynamics, but not so much the deep bass. A lot of the improvement seems to be due to improved timing and reduced smearing of transients. Exactly the sort of thing you'll be hard pressed to notice with deep bass. Even the power cord used on the subs seems marginal, or at any rate way less obvious than on anything else. Ditto interconnects. So I never even tried them on my sub amps. 

If I was buying right now I would get what was needed for components I thought it would make a difference, and take the bonus as extra. Don't sweat the values. Hate to tell you, they are not accurate anyway. Not even. 
Thanks. Everything else in my system that can take a fuse has an Orange, so if went for the promo there would be one extra that I'd probably sell. I know to go up at least 25% on SR's.
I've got some that are 2x, 3x. For what its worth I would keep for a spare before I'd sell. They will replace if one blows but there's the mail lag and listening to the factory fuse after getting used to Orange is hard.
Consider me a major proponent, having experienced the various subtle, but highly enjoyable improvements in reproduction, that fuse experiments/upgrades have made, in my system.      Though I wouldn’t consider doing without them in my main amps, CDP or phono stage; the Transnova 9505, driving my woofer bins, still has it’s original main and rail fuses.        I did upgrade it’s RCAs, Five-Ways, filter capacitors, install HEXFRED bridges and a Synergistic A/C Master Coupler, but- do not believe changing the fuses would make an audible difference, below 80 Hz.      However: far be it for me, to dissuade you from any experimentation.          I’d suggest you check Parts Connexion’s sale on Hi-Fi Tuning’s Classic Golds, for applicable fuses, first.        If you notice an improvement with those, spend the money for the SRs.      Probably; now that your post has piqued my curiosity, I’ll find myself trying that.