New Turntable Direction

It's been a long time since I sought the opinions of the community.  I have been a happy Linnie for 20+ years stopping after upgrades with the Ekos, Cirkus, Lingo, and suspension.  I still have my Shelter 90X.  A recent upgrade inquiry resulted in approximately 6K investment in my table and this just doesn't seem to make sense considering it's age.  I have considered investing the 6K in a new table and staring all over.  I have initially looked at Oracle, VPI, and Basis in part because they have been around for as long as I have been doing this.  For what it is worth my phono stage is still a Rhea.  So what do you think new table or another Linn upgrade and if new table what brand?  As always I appreciate your feedback.
At this level and for an experienced spinner, look at table and arm as two separate components. It sure looks like you have a terrific phono stage and cartridge. A new table and arm makes more sense to me than pouring $6k into a Linn. A Linn that by the way has to be worth a decent amount of money. So you are really looking at a $10k table/arm, right? That's close to Origin Live Conqueror territory for the arm, and still plenty left for a table.
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Since you mentioned Garrard, I remember when my father bought one in the mid 60"s when seperates became popular.  I forgot to mention that I still have a Elac Miracord 750 III with a Shure Cartridge that I'm going to dust off tonight and go down memory lane.
+1 for a refirbed Garrard 301/401. Ever since I heard that late legendary record company owner/producer Winston Ma used his 301 as the source for one of his great Gold Label CDs, I have been searching for a good rebuilt 301. Finally found a great one. A Woodsong 301 with a period appropriate arm-the Ortophon 309.
I absolutely love it with my Myajima Shalabi. You may be able to find a good used one as I did although you will have to be patient. But since you have a cool Linnie, you should be able to find one. I prefer the look and feel of the 301 more than the 401 but that is not much of an issue. IMO the Gerrard just has a drive and pace beyond almost any for not much money relatively. And it certainly would be a different presentation from the Linn.
The title of your thread got me wondering...  How many turntable models run counter-clockwise?