4 or 8 ohm connection for a 6 ohm speaker?

I have a pair of Thiel CS2’s that have a nominal impedance of 6 ohms. My mono blocks have output impedance connections for 4, 8 or 16 ohm speakers. Is it best to connect the speakers to the 4 ohm or 8 ohm connections? 
Thanks for your thoughts.

Bill from Nova Scotia
"keeping a load on" is in reference to never switching taps while the amp is on.
Enjoy :-)

Yes, I normally spend my Summers fishing remote places in British Columbia- this year not possible, so I am missing the fish, beautiful country and charming Canadians.
Looking at the impedance curve for the CS2 measured by Stereophile I would’ve run the 8 ohm taps without thinking twice. The CS2 only hits a minimum of 6 ohms with a dip at about 170 hz whereas it’s at or above  8 ohms from 500 hz and up.  Below 170 hz it fluxuates between 10 and 6.5 ohms. Surprised it has a 6 ohm rating to be honest.

If you’re having better results on the 4 ohm taps then it’s all good...enjoy the music.