Looking For Advice After Dumb Vandy Purchase

Good evening fellow enthusiasts. Looking for advice after just making a stupid purchasing error. I usually do good research before making any transaction but I fell in love hard and got burned.

Just paid for some used Vandersteen Quatro for a "decent" price but failed to notice the purchase dis not include the crossovers. I live in the boonies so dont have a dealer handy to maybe just make my gear work without the crossovers, and it seems now the cost of new ones are a staggering $1295.00. This was for sure not in my budget as I am needing a couple of other pieces to complete this puzzle. Worse yet...once I take delivery of the Quatros...I wont have a way to even give them the once over sound wise to make sure they sound fine. 

Any advice? I am bummed beyond all get out at this moment. 
 I looked at the box, the board, the parts mounted, to the board.

The number of hours figuring it out, 40-50 hours, if your real slow....
Time is money.... I'm retired..  

Different way of building a speaker for sure. A  proprietary active crossover...with built in tone control... OK.. Sounds like a good idea
until you need to replace something...  Do people repair the factory OXOs? Or just swap them out if they get the "new puppy chew toy"

Just wondering?

As a point of reference, I did not purchase a set of crossovers with my pair of Quatro CTs. Instead I sent my Ayre AX-7e back to the factory for the necessary filters installed into the integrated amp.
Ariel at Ayre knows how to properly implement the filter internal to the integrated amplifier AND figure out where to put that really important bypassed cap in the circuit so it stays formed ( which is what DBS does ).

I was a DIY guy in the 80’s, like I said have at it..first duplicate the FIRE pigtails and the DBS , get the DIP, the WIMA caps, and bypass them....let us know how ya do.....I am all ears....

of course, I am retired, working the 24/7/365 gratis support hotline.....my inputs are worth exactly what ya paid for them....

Trout - none of this is aimed at you..you are on the right path.

as much as you like the REGA CD check out the Aesthetix, you get the CD and a whold class DAC in one box. It can also be upgraded later to two higher levels Signature and Eclipse. 

 have fun

I am gonna run the Quatros with the outboard  crossovers for now. I realize I will be leaving money on the table but when I send my Rouges in to be upgraded I will get them set so I can run without the crossovers. 

For now though, I am gonna just plug in what I get and enjoy. I ran my current gear with Steen 2CE Sigs back in the day and it was great. I considered Treos but just need more punch. I have attended a ton of live shows the last five to ten years which made me rethink my bass situation. I need the powered low end. :)

Once I sort my DAC I will get a TT set up. I havent had a turntable in a decade plus but have been buying vinyl like I was spinning every day.

Good weekend all and thanks for the responses.