Looking For Advice After Dumb Vandy Purchase

Good evening fellow enthusiasts. Looking for advice after just making a stupid purchasing error. I usually do good research before making any transaction but I fell in love hard and got burned.

Just paid for some used Vandersteen Quatro for a "decent" price but failed to notice the purchase dis not include the crossovers. I live in the boonies so dont have a dealer handy to maybe just make my gear work without the crossovers, and it seems now the cost of new ones are a staggering $1295.00. This was for sure not in my budget as I am needing a couple of other pieces to complete this puzzle. Worse yet...once I take delivery of the Quatros...I wont have a way to even give them the once over sound wise to make sure they sound fine. 

Any advice? I am bummed beyond all get out at this moment. 

Showing 3 responses by nrenter

As a point of reference, I did not purchase a set of crossovers with my pair of Quatro CTs. Instead I sent my Ayre AX-7e back to the factory for the necessary filters installed into the integrated amp.

Ping me when you get your crossovers and I can help you through setup. I have all the equipment you need. I owe you - I’ve been a bad friend. 
I can't comment on DACs, as I haven't ventured into the world of streaming. If / when I do, my bias toward Ayre will show as I love the sound of my CX-7e(mp) CD player. I'll consider the CODEX or the QB-9 w/ the Twenty Upgrade, but that's because my entire stack is Ayre (and I'm not a mix-n-match-n-hope-for-the-best kind of guy). The CODEX does give you a headphone option (which is reason alone for some to choose the CODEX). That being said, if your full chain isn't differential-balanced, you may not hear the full potential of a CODEX and a different circuit topology may give you a bigger bang for the buck.