Magico M9 The new 'norm' in speakers

Magico has just debuted its new model...the M9. Weighing in at 1000 Lbs ( pity those who have to move it) and being almost 8' tall!
Luckily, they are bringing this speaker in at a bargain basement price designed to appeal to the masses...and unlike the other models in their line, financing won't be needed. Yes, for just $750,000- you can own one of these new models. 
This is certainly looking like the new 'norm' for many speaker manufacturer's. Luckily most of us have this as pocket change...luckily.
Clever move, timing is kind of good for them. A few people made alot of money during corona. 
@ crediting karma " 06-13-2020 1:43am"Wow seems like there is some hate towards Magico here"
On the contrary, I love Magico products. I also have a strong interest in the M2, M3. Those are more realistically priced, can probably be got for under $80K. 1 million dollar speakers? Get real... not really meant for the average joe. And that's all I am. I wasn't born into wealth and I'll never aspire to get a 7 figure salary income a year.
You need four monoblocks to run those beasts. I’d love to see the companion amps, preamp and sources to make those bad boys sing.

Probably another $200k in cabling just to power up.
This is about marketing.  Magico will lose money on this model but I have seen a dozen posts on Facebook, we are talking about it hear and every publication will cover it.  If you are even vaguely interested in hi-end audio you will hear about this speaker and anyone who isn’t familiar with Magico is probably going to their website to learn about the products.  
The will sell more As and Ss because of this than they will ever sell m9s.  
Technologically though these are brilliant.  I love they using a honeycomb core.  I use a Nomex honeycomb core In my speakers with CF skin.  I look like a veritable bargain compared to these even though mine are a small pair of standmounts for $10K.