Magico M9 The new 'norm' in speakers

Magico has just debuted its new model...the M9. Weighing in at 1000 Lbs ( pity those who have to move it) and being almost 8' tall!
Luckily, they are bringing this speaker in at a bargain basement price designed to appeal to the masses...and unlike the other models in their line, financing won't be needed. Yes, for just $750,000- you can own one of these new models. 
This is certainly looking like the new 'norm' for many speaker manufacturer's. Luckily most of us have this as pocket change...luckily.

Showing 3 responses by d2girls


they'd be lucky to sell even 10 at all in the first place
there is always a market for the extreme ultra high end luxury products. this is why there is a market for $10,000 bottles of water and perfume. same type of people who buy $8,000 loafers or $50,000 purse will buy speakers like this.

@ crediting karma " 06-13-2020 1:43am"Wow seems like there is some hate towards Magico here"
On the contrary, I love Magico products. I also have a strong interest in the M2, M3. Those are more realistically priced, can probably be got for under $80K. 1 million dollar speakers? Get real... not really meant for the average joe. And that's all I am. I wasn't born into wealth and I'll never aspire to get a 7 figure salary income a year.