is the sound of vinyl due to the physical process of the turntable?

Same here. I do not own a turntable, however, if the sound of vinyl comes from the physical act of the record on the turntable why can't I transfer digital audio or at least emulate that process to digitally recreate that sound? I remember back in the 1970's you had 45rpm records on the back of cereal boxes and they were not vinyl, however they sounded good why can't I do that myself?
Why not just buy a good TT, and join the converted?

his vinyl reference is from a cereal box......what else is there to say?

opinions about vinyl have been based on worse data points, after all. :-)
This explanation occurred to me back in the 80s when I first heard digital. It mimics Theo's explanation.

Sound is a physical vibratory phenomena.
Analog technology captures and replays vibration as vibration all within the vibratory realm. It is not changed from its fundamental nature and has a sense of reality.
Digital on the other hand, like a teletransporter, disassembles then reassembles sound. Something is lost.

mikelevigne wins:

"his vinyl reference is from a cereal box......what else is there to say?"

This explanation occurred to me back in the 80s when I first heard digital. It mimics Theo’s explanation.

Sound is a physical vibratory phenomena.
Analog technology captures and replays vibration as vibration all within the vibratory realm. It is not changed from its fundamental nature and has a sense of reality.
Digital on the other hand, like a teletransporter, disassembles then reassembles sound. Something is lost.

>>>>No. No. No. A thousand times no! Sound is only vibratory in the air. In wires and cables it’s not vibratory. Sound only becomes vibratory when the speaker transducers make them so. We re not even sure at this point as a group what the audio signal in wire even is. How’s that for reality? The CD itself contains all the intricate information of the music. You just can’t extract that information correctly. That’s all.